Product Information Manager : Suppliers


To get access to the supplier editor, click   - > Setup - > Suppliers (in the Customer/Supplier section).



A supplier is a person or enterprise who is a manufacturer, processor or packager of a controlled product, a service provider or who, in the course of business, imports or sells controlled products.

See the Basic Actions page for more info on standard actions (search, sort, edit, delete etc.).

Click the icon to see the reference information regarding the selected attribute.

Create Supplier

Click to create new suppliers. When the supplier editor opens, enter or click  as required and the drop-down menus to search and select data wherever applicable.

General Tab

Supplier ID can contain only alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9), hyphens ( - ) and underscores ( _ ).

Fill in the relevant details and click  to save supplier details after editing, for a new supplier or  to return to the search page.

After confirming creation, other tabs of the editor namely - Addresses, Contacts, Catalogs and Contracts - are available.

Addresses Tab

Click the Addresses tab to search or add address associations for the newly created supplier.

Addresses can be managed in PIM Address Editor ( - > Setup - > Customer/Supplier - > Addresses).

Use the icons in Actions column to execute the following:

Click  to create a new address.

Enter new Address, this field is mandatory.  Enter or select the other fields as required, on completion, click  to save and create a new address association,  to save or  to close the window.

Click  to search and add new address association to the list.

Select with and click  to add new address association to the list.

Click  to remove the selected address association from the list.

Click  to edit selected address association.

By selecting the corresponding  in "Is Default" column you can set the chosen address as a default one.

Click  to save, click  to save and create a new address, click to cancel.

Contacts Tab

Click the Contacts tab to search/edit/delete contact associations for the newly created supplier.

Contacts can be managed in PIM Contacts Editor ( - > Setup - > Customer/Supplier - > Contacts).

Click  to search and add new contact association.

Select with  and click  to add new contact associations.

The newly added contact association will be listed in the contact association table.

Click  to edit the selected contact.

Click  to delete the selected contact association.

Click to save the changes.

Catalogs Tab

Click the Catalogs tab to search or add catalog provisioning for the newly created supplier.

Catalogs can be managed in  PIM Catalogs Editor ( -> Setup -> Catalogs and Contracts -> Catalogs).

Click  to create catalog provisioning association entry for the supplier.

Enter new Supplier, Catalog and select Status from the drop-down list. On completion, click  to save and create a new catalog association,  to save or  to discard changes and close the window.

The newly added catalogs will be listed in the catalog provisioning table.

Click to refresh the page.

Click  or  in the table to edit or delete a catalog provisioning entry.

Contracts Tab

To add supplier contract usage, click the Contracts tab. This section is used to define the contracts the supplier has access to and use.

Contracts can be managed in PIM  Contract Editor ( -> Setup -> Catalogs and Contracts -> Contracts).

Click to create contract provisioning entry for the supplier.

Enter new Supplier, Contract and select Status from the drop-down list of options. Fill in other fields if required. On completion, click   to save and create a new address association,  to save changes or  to discard changes and close the window.

The newly added contract will be listed in the contract provisioning table.

Click to refresh page.

Click  or  to edit or delete a contract provisioning entry.


To get the list of supplier revisions select the   option from the drop-down menu on the Search Result Page or click the button on the Edit Supplier page.

Click  to see revision details: