Product Information Manager : Product Editor


Product Editor is accessible by clicking the button for the particular product on the  Search Product page or after saving a newly created product.

For more info on Product Editor tabs refer to:



Here the actual content management, where products are created or furnished with additional information, is carried out; e.g. relations between products are defined and attribute values are stored with products, also documents are assigned to products.

The header section of the Product Editor lists the Product ID, Product Name (short description) in the Content Language and the product status, and shows the product preview image, when available.

Product Editor Tabs

The following tabs are available in the Product Editor:

Common Toolbar

The common toolbar is available on each tab of the Product Editor, it consists of the following sections:


Select the appropriate action from the drop-down list to redefine the workflow state of the given product. The product status will change according to the selected action:

Action Status
disable 700 disabled
delete 800 deleted
reactivate / approve 300 approval required
reject 080 error
confirm 400 confirmed
start editing

200 editing

Actions from the Workflow may require certain validation (for example, particular fields should be completed). The validation can be configured via ProductWorkflowValidation.groovy script located in the Customization Area folder: \integration\stateWorkflow.

When the validation is failed, an error message with the reason appears.

Search Result

Click the Search Result link to go back to the Search Product page in its latest state.


Select the appropriate option from the   drop-down list to execute the following actions:

Show Versions

Show Versions option is unavailable in case product versioning is disabled (the configuration attribute is set to 'false').

Show Assets

Click the Show Assets option to view the documents related to the selected products on the opened DAM Documents Search page.

Show Terms

Click the Show Terms option to find all terms used in the selected product. You will be redirected to the Terms Search page with terms filtered by the usage in the selected product.

The default Show Terms functionality can show all terms used in:

  • Product (product attribute values, document captions and relations Udx Text fields from the Product Editor)
  • Documents (document titles and document captions from DAM)
  • Value list items (value list items descriptions)
  • Classifications (classification short descriptions)
  • Classification groups (classification group descriptions)
  • Classification group attribute values (it includes value list items descriptions if values lists are used as classification group attribute values)
  • Attributes (descriptions)
  • Attribute sections (names)
The places, where the terms are searched, can be configured in jcatalog.product.showTerms.lookup.list configuration attribute.
In addition to the above, if any terms are listed in jcatalog.product.showTerms.static.list configuration attribute, they are also included into the terms result list for any product.

Currently, Show Terms functionality does not include terms used in Compatibilities (compatible classification group attribute values/model properties and compatibility constraints).

Delete Product

Click the Delete Product option to delete the current product.

Duplicate Product

Click the Duplicate Product option to clone the current product.

See details on the Duplicate Product page.


Click to open the Product Preview page for the selected product. See the Preview page for more info.


Click the icon on the right of the  button and select the desired export format. You will be redirected to Export Products and Prices, where it is possible to execute the export product job.

Editor Info

A colored letter symbol/symbols in the right corner of the screen shows/show the current user/users who work in the Product Editor. Pointing the relevant symbol shows the user name.

Column Settings

The grid on each tab (except for the Master Data tab) can be customized using  icon in the upper-right corner and saved.

The position and display (show or hide) of any column can be customized, except for the Actions column, which cannot be hidden or change its position (always last).

Clicking the icon, opens a drop-down list of grid columns. Below is the example of available columns for the Attributes tab.

Select/clear the appropriate check boxes to show/hide the columns accordingly. Use drag-and-drop function to sort the columns in any order you like. To restore the default grid settings, click the  link.

Click  to save changes or to discard them.

In the grid, if you have the appropriate settings for the column, you can:

  • Filter values: set the filter expression in the filter box beneath the corresponding header.

  • Sort values: click the column header to sort the values in ascending or descending order.
  • Resize column: place the mouse on the boundary between two column headings until you see an arrow. Click the mouse and drag the section border until you get the required size.

The Product Editor grids can also be customized and saved using relevant user-specific Configuration Attributes. For example, configuration attribute defines the settings for the Attributes tab, etc.


Click the icon to minimize the Product Editor grid and to maximize it.

Concurrent Editing of Product Information

In the Product Editor, you are able to see if someone else is editing or viewing the product information. See Editor Info section for details.

In case of concurrent editing of product information and trying to save changes after the product has been edited by someone else, you may be informed about concurrent changes and asked to confirm the overwriting of product information.

Confirming the overwriting does not mean actual overwriting of all product information. For example, when you are editing attribute values on Attributes tab while other user is adding Master Data, you will not overwrite the Master Data.

The actual overwriting may happen only when you are editing product information on the same Product Editor tab.