Product Information Manager : Search Product


Click Products - > Search Product to get access to the Product Search.



Products available in PIM can be accessed through the Product Search. There are three ways to search for products on this page:

  • Simple search
  • Product Suggestion Drop-Down List

  • Advanced Search ( )
  • Faceted Search

Once search is initiated, the results are listed in the search results table.

The search is performed and search results are displayed in the Content Language.

See the Product Editor page for more info on the product information management.

Simple Search

In the simple search field, you can perform a full-text search by:

  • Product ID, Variant ID, Manufacturer Product ID
  • Short and long description (including variant descriptions)
  • Manufacturer name and Manufacturer ID

Manufacturer name is the name entered in the Manufacturer Name field for the product, not the name that can be assigned to the Manufacturer ID on the Manufacturers page.

  • Keywords
You can use asterisk (*) to replace one or more non-space characters in your search query, e.g. if you search for ' ip*d', both iPod and iPad will be found.
Use two asterisks ( **) to perform unrestricted search (search for all products).

The full-text search means the following logic:

 Search Query Search Result
"asus" Products which contain "asus".
Lower and upper case letters, e.g. "ASUS" or "asus" Products which contain "asus". The results will be the same.
"apple ipad" Products which contain the words "apple", "ipad".
Special symbols, e.g. "X53SV-SO951V" Products which contain similar combinations with these or other special symbols. For example: "x53sv-so951v", "x53sv_so951v", "x53sv.so951v", "so951v-x53sv".

Enter your query into the search field and click  to initiate the product search (or press Enter on your keyboard).

You can also make a single-line search query for multiple products. For example, you can search for a number of Product IDs/Variant IDs separated by comma, space or other special characters not used in IDs and descriptions. Example: The search by " 5658741 AWF1549 1686B021" gives you the list of products that have " 5658741", "AWF1549" or/and "1686B021" in their Product IDs, descriptions, etc.

The single-line multiple products search is limited by the number of entries possible. Please, also always check such search result list as the simple search includes the results found in Product IDs/Variant IDs, descriptions, etc. which can result in a wider scope of found products.

Product Suggestion Drop-Down List

The simple search bar can provide users with the list of suggested products to select from.

Product suggestion drop-down list is not available when Product Advanced Search is expanded.

Start typing Product ID, Variant ID, product or variant short description (in the Content Language). The list of suggested products (if any) with their Product ID / Variant ID and short description will appear.

The product suggestion feature:

  • becomes available after the first 3 characters are typed
  • performs a full-text search (similar to simple search) using 'starts with' logic
  • all query terms are combined by 'OR' logic operator

To select the product from the list:

  • click it


  • navigate to the suggested entry with arrow keys and press Enter

Product ID of the selected product appears prefilled in the search bar and the search is performed.

The found product is displayed in the search result table.

The search result may include more products in addition to the one selected. For example, it may be caused by:

  • using the same product ID in different catalogs
  • using product ID of some product in a short description of other product

Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search ( button) for more search parameters to narrow down the hit list.

Expanding the Advanced Search form disables the Search button for the Simple Search and the simple search bar becomes a search field for the advanced product search.

Search Areas


The Advanced Search form allows searching for products in three scopes (search areas) in terms of product and variant data:

  • Products & Variants (the default scope): the entered search parameters are applied within master products and product variants.
  • Products: the entered search parameters are applied within master products only.
  • Variants: the entered search parameters are applied within product variant information.

Internal/External Data

The Advanced Search form also allows searching for products in scope of internal and external product data:

  • External Data (default): the search is performed in the scope of resolved product data considering fallback and inheritance logic. See more info on external product in Export Products and Prices.
  • Internal Data: the search is performed in scope of unresolved (raw) product data without considering any fallback or inheritance logic.

Search Parameters

You can specify any of the following criteria:

  • Product ID, Variant ID or Product/Variant ID: enter the Product ID or Variant ID depending on the selected search scope.
  • Catalog ID: select the Catalog using  icon or a drop-down list.
  • Supplier ID: select the Supplier using icon or a drop-down list.

  • Contract ID: select the Contract using icon or a drop-down list.
  • Product Status: select the Product Statuses range. See Statuses for more info.
  • Variant Status: select the Product Variant Statuses range. See Statuses for more info.

Product Status and Variant Status search parameters can be used in combination finding the products, which have the relevant statuses AND which have variants in the relevant statuses. This combination can be used in Products & Variants scope.

In Products scope, Variant Status values are disregarded.

  • Created On: select the dates range to search for the products created within the specified period of time.
  • Changed On: select the dates range to search for the products updated within the specified period of time.

Created On and Changed On dates for variant products are the same as for their master products.

  • Terms: search by usage of Terms in products. See Terms for more info.
  • Classification ID: select the desired option from the drop-down list of available Classifications.
  • Group ID: select the Classification Group ID within the selected Classification.
    • Select the Include Subgroups check box for the search result to include products, assigned to sub-classification groups of the selected group; leave it empty in case you need to include products, assigned to the defined classification group only.

It is possible to select compatibility classifications/classification groups for product search. The search result will include products compatible with the relevant classification group.

The compatibility classifications are defined in Configuration Attribute.

  • Filter by Attribute: search by attributes/attribute values.

The search is performed by attribute values with and without attribute value tags.

See more info on attribute value tags on the Attributes page.

    • Attribute: select the attribute using icon or a drop-down list.

All attributes (even those marked as Exclude from PIM product search = 'true') are available for selection. However, no search by the Value of the attributes that are marked as excluded from product search will be performed. It is possible to search only by attribute value Status for such attributes.

    • Language: select the language of the attribute value (in case of multi-language attribute type) .
    • Value or Status: select Value or Status from the drop-down list to search for the attributes under specific value criteria or specific status.

For example, by selecting a specific language and 'translate' (or any other relevant) status, you will find all attribute values requiring translation in the selected language.

    • Operator: select the relevant operator from the drop-down list:
      • equals
      • doesn't equal
      • exists
      • doesn't exist
    • Value: enter the relevant attribute value or attribute value status to filter your search according to the selected criteria. The attribute values and their statuses are set on the  Attributes tab of the Product Editor.

When the selected attribute has a value list assigned, the value list items become available for selection in the relevant drop-down list. Attribute value list items descriptions in the Content Language will also be displayed, if available.

Start entering the value list item description or value to filter out the items and find the one you need.

In case the attribute has a classification group-dependent value list assigned (see Import Master Data for details):

  • a drop-down list with the default value list assigned to the attribute will become available
  • a free text input field will be available if there is no default value list assigned to such an attribute.

The advanced search can be performed using a combination of attribute values and attribute statuses search. Click  to add a new row and select additional search criteria. For example, you can select an attribute value to search for in the first row and then a new row to search for a particular status of the attribute value. The search will result in finding products with the relevant attribute value AND selected status.

After specifying search parameters, click .

The execution of advanced search can also be enabled by pressing 'Enter' key when focusing on any search parameter.

The search will be limited to master products, which meet the search parameters in their master product information and/or in their variants' information (depending on the selected seach scope).

Filter by Attribute Search Examples

The tables below describe the results of searching by attribute values and their statuses using Filter by Attribute section in the product advanced search ( External Data search scope) depending on selected parameters.

The attribute value and attribute status search in Internal Data scope is performed within internal (raw) product data. It means that:

  • attribute values are unresolved and expressions are not calculated
  • for multi-language attribute values if no search language is defined, only products with the 'global' attribute values (without any language) will be searched
  • attribute values for master product are not inherited by variants
Attribute Values
Non-multilanguage attributes
Operator Value Result

exact value or value with a wildcard,

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which have the matching attribute values.

Products which have any valid value for this attribute.

Doesn't equal

exact value or value with a wildcard,

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which do not have the matching attribute values.

Products which do not have any valid values for this attribute.

Exists - Products which have any valid value for this attribute (similar to unrestricted search with 'Equals' operator).
Doesn't exist - Products which do not have any valid values for this attribute (similar to unrestricted search with 'Doesn't equal' operator)
Multilanguage attributes
Language Operator Value Result
- Equals

exact value or value with a wildcard,

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which have the matching attribute values in any available language or global values.

Products which have any valid value for this attribute in any available language or global values.

- Doesn't equal

exact value or value with a wildcard

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which do not have the matching attribute values in any available language or global values.

Products which do not have any valid values for this attribute in any language or global values.

- Exists - Similar to unrestricted value search with 'Equals' operator.
- Doesn't exist - Similar to unrestricted value search with 'Doesn't equal' operator.
Selected language Equals

exact value or  value with a wildcard,

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which have the matching attribute values in the selected language or global values (if there is no language-specific value for the selected language).

Products which have any valid value for this attribute in the selected language or global values (if there is no language-specific value for the selected language).

Selected language Doesn't equal

exact value or value with a wildcard

<*> for the unrestricted value

Products which do not have the matching attribute values in the selected language or global values (if there is no language-specific value for the selected language).

Products which do not have any valid attribute values for this attribute in the selected language or global values (if there is no language-specific value for the selected language).

Selected language Exists - Similar to unrestricted value search with 'Equals' operator and language selected.
Selected language Doesn't exist - Similar to unrestricted value search with 'Doesn't equal' operator and language selected.

If 'equals' or 'doesn't equal' operator is selected but no attribute value is set, the search returns all products.

Attribute Value Status
Non-multilanguage attributes
Operator Status Result
Equals Selected status Products with at least one attribute value in the selected status.
Doesn't equal Selected status Products which do not have any attribute values in the selected status.
Exists - Products which at least one attribute value with any status defined.
Doesn't exist - Products which do not have any attribute value statuses for the attribute.
Multilanguage attributes
Language Operator Status Result
- Equals Selected status Products with at least one attribute value in the selected status in any language or a global value in the selected status.
- Doesn't equal Selected status Products which do not have any attribute values in the selected status in any language or any global values in the selected status.
- Exists - Products with at least one attribute value in any status (regardless of any language defined or not defined).
- Doesn't exist - Products which do not have any attribute values in any status (regardless on any language defined or not defined).
Selected language Equals Selected status Products with at least one attribute value in the selected status in the selected language.
Selected language Doesn't equal Selected status Products which do not have any attribute values in the selected status in the selected language.
Selected language Exists - Products with at least one attribute value in any status and selected language.
Selected language Doesn't exist - Products which do not have any attribute values in any status and selected language.

For the product search by attribute value status it is possible to search without any attribute defined. In this case, the relevant products which have/do not have values for any attributes in the selected status are found.

Save Search Filter

You can save the search parameters specified in the advanced search section as a search filter; for this, click in the lower-right corner of the advanced search section. The Save Search Query Dialog is displayed.

Fill in the Name and Description fields and click  to save the created search filter. Click to close the pop-up window.

The saved Search Filter also includes the search scope of the search query ( Products & Variants, Products, Variants).

Faceted Search

The left panel of the result window provides:

Facets are formed depending on the selected search scope. For example, in Variants scope facets will include variant-specific data from the variants found; for internal data search - raw data from the products found.

Faceted Search by Classification Groups

It is possible to filter products by classification groups they are assigned to using the Groups section of the facets.

The Groups section of the faceted search includes classifications defined in the jcatalog.productSearch.facets.classificationIds (list) configuration attribute. The classifications in the Groups facets are listed in accordance with the order they are listed in the configuration attribute.

You can click the classification to select it and see its groups; click the classification group (multiple selection is possible) to select it and see the sub-groups, when available.

The number of classification groups shown in the faceted search is limited to the 50 most popular classification groups (in terms of occurrence).

The selected filters also appear above the search result table.

A label with a number by the facet entry shows the number of products which comply with this particular filter parameter.

Click the highlighted entry in facets to deselect it or click by entry in Results filtered by to remove the relevant filter.

Click to remove all facet filters at once.

Faceted Search by Attributes

The faceted search:

  • does not include attributes marked as excluded from product search in the Attributes Editor (attributes with Exclude from PIM product search = 'true' are not displayed)
  • does not include attributes which have Facet Order No value '-1' as defined in the Attribute Editor.
  • includes attribute values with tags

The Facet Order No of the attribute also defines the order in which the attributes are displayed in facets. See  Attributes - Setup page for more information.

Click any attribute from the list to open its values. Select the required value from the drop-down list to filter only products, which have attributes with the selected value.

The maximum number of attributes shown in faceted search is 50.

You can also enter the name or its part into the attributes faceted search bar to find the desired attributes. The entries, most relevant to the search query will be located at the top and matches will be  highlighted in yellow.

The attribute faceted search includes multi-language attribute values in the Content Language, multi-language attribute values with no language defined and non-multi-language attribute values. Terms and product references for non-multi-language attributes are resolved.

It is possible to select several attribute values of the multi-valued attribute (one-by-one). The search result will show the products, which have all selected values of the multi-valued attribute. 

Attribute faceted search for the attributes with value lists show the relevant value list items as values, but not their descriptions.

Faceted Search by Suppliers/Catalogs

To filter products by Suppliers or Catalogs, use the search bar in the relevant section or click the appropriate option directly: the products, which have the chosen Supplier/Catalog assigned, will be filtered out.

Suppliers and Catalogs are sorted by the occurrences.

Click more... or less... options to expand or narrow the facet options respectively.

Search Result Table

After executing the search, the search result will be displayed in a grid:

The following actions in the search result table are possible:

Selection/Deselection of Products

It is possible to select products from the search result page:

  • By selecting the check box by the relevant product entry. Once you select at least one product from the search result, the number of selected products is displayed.

The number of selected products includes selected products from all pages.
  • By selecting check box in the search results header. This action selects all products from the current result page.

It is possible to deselect a product/products from the search result page:

  • By clearing the check box by the relevant product entry.
  • By clicking (when some products on the current page are selected) to deselect the products on the current page. The products selected from other pages remain selected.
  • By clearing check box (when all products on the page are selected) to deselect all products on the current page.
  • By clicking to clear the selection of all products (on all pages).

The selection of products is also reset:

  • when starting a new simple search query (after clicking  or pressing 'Enter' from the simple search bar)
  • when starting a new advanced search query
  • when starting a new search from a new browser tab
  • after re-login into the application

In other cases (performing bulk actions on selected products, using faceted search, sorting the search results, switching between search result pages or changing the number of search results per page) the selection is not reset.

Sorting of Search Results

The search results can be sorted out by Product ID or Product Name in ascending/descending order by selecting the appropriate option from the drop-down menu:

The sorting is reset after every new search.

Configuring Search Result Table Settings

The following search results table configurations are available:

Search Result Table Filter

There is an ability to enable/disable the displaying of the columns in the search result table. Click the icon in the upper-right corner of the search result table to open a menu.

Select/clear the appropriate check boxes to show/hide the columns accordingly.

You can configure the columns set displayed in the search result table via the configuration attribute. The configuration entered in this attribute will be taken as the default settings for the product search result table.

To restore the default filter settings, click the  link.

Click  to save changes or to discard them.

The Icons column of the search result table allows viewing info icons for boolean attributes which value is set to true (on the Attributes tab of the Product Editor).

The list of boolean attributes to be displayed in search result table as info icons can be configured via the . The list of boolean attributes is specified after "attributes" in "icons" column key in square brackets as follows:


The icon for the boolean attribute with a "true" value for the product is displayed only:

  • when the attribute has a relevant image assigned to it as described in Attributes - Setup
  • when the attribute is not excluded from PIM product search ( Exclude from PIM product search should be 'false')

Search Result Table Size

Select the quantity of rows displayed per search result page using the pane in the lower-right corner (20 by default).

Product Actions

The following actions are available in the search result grid:


Click in the search results table to be navigated to the Master Data tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.

Additional options are available in the drop-down list, appearing upon clicking the arrow  icon on the right from the button:


Click the Variants option to manage product Variants on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click the  Classifications option to manage product Classifications on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click the  Attributes option to manage product Attributes on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click Compatibilities option to manage product Compatibilities on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.

Compatibilities tab is available when the configuration attribute jcatalog.productEditor.tabs.compatibility.enable is set to 'true'.


Click the  Documents option to manage product Documents on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click the  Prices option to manage product Prices on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click the  Assortments option to manage product Assortments on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.


Click the  Relations option to manage product Relations on the appropriate tab of the Product Editor for the selected product.

Show Versions

Show Versions option is unavailable in case product versioning is disabled (the configuration attribute is set to 'false').

Show Assets

Click the Show Assets option to view the documents related to the selected product on the opened DAM Documents Search page.

Show Assets functionality shows the document associations of the product and does not show documents referenced in the product's compatibilities.

Show Terms

Click the Show Terms option to find all terms used in the selected product. You will be redirected to the Terms Search page with terms filtered by the usage in the selected product.

The default Show Terms functionality can show all terms used in:

  • Product (product attribute values, document captions and relations Udx Text fields from the Product Editor)
  • Documents (document titles and document captions from DAM)
  • Value list items (value list items descriptions)
  • Classifications (classification short descriptions)
  • Classification groups (classification group descriptions)
  • Classification group attribute values (it includes value list items descriptions if values lists are used as classification group attribute values)
  • Attributes (descriptions)
  • Attribute sections (names)
The places, where the terms are searched, can be configured in jcatalog.product.showTerms.lookup.list configuration attribute.
In addition to the above, if any terms are listed in jcatalog.product.showTerms.static.list configuration attribute, they are also included into the terms result list for any product.

Currently, Show Terms functionality does not include terms used in Compatibilities (compatible classification group attribute values/model properties and compatibility constraints).


Click the Preview option to view the product Preview.


Click the Duplicate option to clone the selected product.

See details on the Duplicate Product page.


Click the Delete option to delete the selected product.


To compare products, select the required entries (maximum 5) by marking the appropriate check boxes and click . See more details on the Compare Products and Product Versions page.


Click the button to delete the selected products.

If no products are selected, all products available in the search result are deleted after the relevant confirmation.


Click the following options available in the  drop-down list in the lower-right corner of the search results grid:

  • Show Assets: to view document assets assigned to the products contained in the current search result list.

Show Assets functionality shows the documents for the first 10 selected products (max).

  • Show Terms: to view all terms used in the products. You will be redirected to the Terms page containing the terms search results filtered by the product search results. See the Terms page for more info.


There is an ability to execute various actions from the search result page.

The actions will apply to the product or multiple products selected using the relevant check boxes by the product or to all products in the relevant search result list (when the search was performed but no products selected).

Click the appropriate option from the   drop-down list in the lower-right corner of the search page.

The following actions are available by default:

Custom actions can be scheduled. Click the clock icon in the Schedule as a Job section to open the scheduler and set the parameters of the launch.

Enter your Email(s) into the Notification section to get an email with the job execution results.

Assign To Contract

Select the Assign To Contract option from the  drop-down list to assign the selected products to a particular contract.

The page shows the selected products (if any products from search results were selected), Search Parameters link and the Action Name.

Search Parameters link brings you back to the search results page, from which the action was initiated, and does not reset the relevant products selection (if any).

Enter the following info:

  • Contract: type the contract or select it using the icon. The selected products will be assigned to the chosen Contract. See Contracts for more info.

Click to apply changes.

Remove From Contract

Select the Remove From Contract option from the drop-down list to remove the selected products from the contract.

Select the Contract, from which the product/products should be removed.

Select the Status, when necessary. When no status is selected, the products with any status are removed from the contract.

Products, which have variants, are not affected by the action.

Click  to apply changes.

Update Price Status

Select the  Update Price Status option from the  drop-down list to update the Price Status for the selected Products.

Enter the following info:

  • Contract: type the contract or select it using the icon. The products from the selected contract will be considered. See Contracts for more info.
  • Price Type: select the type of the price, for which the changes should be applied. See Price Types for more info.
  • New Status: select the price status that will be set for the selected products from the drop-down list. See Statuses for more info.

Click  to apply changes.

Update Product Status

Select the Update Product Status option from the drop-down list to update the selected products' statuses.

Select a New Status for the selected products from the drop-down list. See Statuses for more info.

Click  to apply changes.

Assign To Classification

Select the Assign To Classification option from the drop-down list to assign the selected products to classification.

Select the Classification from the drop-down list and the Classification group from the Classification browser.

Click  to apply changes.

Remove From Classification

Select the Remove From Classification option from the drop-down list to remove the selected Products from Classification.

Select the Classification from the drop-down list and the Classification group from the Classification browser.

When no Classification group is selected but just the Classification, the products are removed from the relevant Classification.

Click  to apply changes.

Change Classification Group

Select the Change Classification Group option from the drop-down list to change the Classification Group for the selected products.

Select the Source Classification from the drop-down list and the Classification Group, which needs to be changed, from the Classification browser.

Select the Target Classification Group from the drop-down list and the Classification Group from the Classification browser.

Click  to apply changes.

Add Attribute Value

Select the Add Attribute Value option from the drop-down list to add a product attribute value.

Select the Attribute using . Select the Language and enter the Tag, when necessary.

Enter a New Value and select Status, when necessary.

Actions in regard to attribute values do not affect product variants.

Click  to apply changes.

This action does not update the attribute value if there is an existing value for the attribute and the language/tag, but it can update the status of the existing attribute value (when there is the same value for the same attribute in the same language/with the same tag, but different/no status).

Delete Attribute Value

Select the Delete Attribute Value option from the drop-down list to remove a product attribute value.

Select the Attribute using . Select the Language and enter the Tag, when necessary.

Enter the Value and select Status, when necessary.

Click  to apply changes.

Change Attribute Value

Select the Change Attribute Value option from the drop-down list to change a product attribute value.

Attribute and New Value are required fields.

When changing a specific attribute value to a new one, the Value field should include an unresolved value of the attribute.

Along with changing the attribute value, it is possible to update the language, tag and attribute value status by entering New Language, New Tag and New Status.

Click  to apply changes.


There is an ability to export all the products contained in the search result.
Select the desired export format from the drop-down list. You will be redirected to the Export Products and Prices page where you can set the export settings.

Currently, export is available in the XML, PDF, CSV, JSON and Excel formats.