PIM 8.22.GA.12

Last modified by Gerrit Hellwig on 17.10.2023, 12:05

#1816Import Channel: Math Function Divide fails on null (empty cell) CSV mapping
#1787Export Channel: Service to access Product Relation Type Information from the export templates
#1844Attribute Grid: Ordering of Attribute Columns
#1883Advanced Search: Open Advanced Search Parameters for Search Filter causes blank page
#1912Import Channel: ShortDescription of Groups are not updated via CSV Import
#1911Import Channel: Update of Classification Group Attribute Values works incorrect
#1857Import Channel: Default for CompatibilityID is not set if not given in import
#1884Product Editor: Wrong Value from Value List is stored for the product on Attribute Tab (Reopened)
#1914Product Search: Improve UI Layout to avoid cut-off strings for search parameters
#1897Attribute Grid: Adjust layout of UI for "Copy Values from one Product to others" and "Remove products" functions
#1886Attribute Grid: The button to clear the Input filed is missing in Bulk Edit of Attribute Grid ("X" button) 
#1894Attribute Grid: ReadOnly attributes are editable via the bulk edit function of the Attribute Grid
#1775Remove Red as color for highlights or links
#1920Product Search: Search Products in multiple contracts (product in (Contract_A, Contract_B, Contract_C)
#1935Attribute Grid: Label are displayed with unwanted text wrap in UI language "de"
#1909Import Channel: Import of CSV via Flat File Mapping with empty attributevalues fails